Tap to Call

8th January 2015

4 ways you are losing sales to your competitors and how to fix them

4 ways you are losing online sales to your competitors and how to fix them

You probably know and accept that this is happening to you: You are losing sales to your competitors, however you may not know 100% WHY and more importantly HOW to fix it and begin claiming some of those sales back.

#1 Poor Mobile Website

More and more people are using mobile phones to not only browse your website but to also buy your products there and then on the move…. On an elevator, passenger seat of car, 17,000 feet in the air or sat at the back of a bus. It has never been easier for your customer to have such a wide range of choice at their fingertips, and mobile browsing and mobile commerce (M-commerce) is set to grow year after year.

If your website is not optimised you are losing sales. Your potential customers are landing on a website that is difficult to use, does that meet their need for instant gratification and also does not build up the necessary confidence they need to do a 1-click checkout.

Furthermore, Google now ranks mobile optimised websites with priority in the search engines, another reason to have a mobile optimised website and be on the right side of Google.

#2 A focus on design over conversions

It is important to have a great designed website, but not OVERLY designed at the expense of usability and sales. A great designed website gives your visitors a great experience, it builds brand awareness and importantly it builds enough confidence to convince them to share with you their sensitive bank details.

Importantly you must have a clear navigation and path that you expect your visitors to take, something that gets them from the page they land on right the way through to checking out and parting with their cash.

It is important to split test any improvements you make to your visitors journey. Little things such as number of clicks, colour of buttons, text on buttons, and size of text all make a difference so it is worth split testing all of these possibilities to increase your conversions.

#3 Personalisation

Personalisation allows you to understand your customers’ needs and wants much clearer and then present them with specific and personal offers tailored just for them. There is ecommerce software out there that allows you to put specific offers and products in front of your customers based on their purchasing history.

There is also the option to personalise messages to those people who have left your website without purchasing from you. Remarketing is a very powerful tool that allows you to show messages and content to people who have visited your website and left.

#4 Not using multiple marketing channels

There are hundreds of ways to promote your website and offers online: Pay-Per-click, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Twitter, Facebook, Blogs, Content articles and the list goes on. Whilst all these channels allow you to grow it is important to know which ones produce a return on investment. We see so many businesses that just send out random, unplanned tweets through twitter and expect sales – It doesn’t work like that. It is best to have a strategy in your head for social media, a clear aim of what you are trying to achieve – How are you going to get the person reading the tweet from there, to your website, to a paying customer and finally to a repeat customer?

Using PPC and SEO is a great way to dominate the search engines. Using paid advertising and organic SEO is a great way to show your customers that you are a leader and have the budget to back it up with paid adverts. This gives you double opportunity to get found in the search engines which is always a bonus.

However studies have shown that being ranked #1 on Google organically is still the best way to get people to click through to your business. It is also proven that being #1 in the paid ads section is not actually as powerful as thought and that those who rank position #2 and #3 in paid ads tend to get more clicks than those in position #1.

Would you like to learn specifically how your website is losing you sales?

You can learn in just 25 minutes exactly how and where your website is losing sales to your competitors. And….. how to immediately go away and fix it. Schedule a free 25 minute consultation with Craig by clicking the following link and scheduling a free 25 minute consultation: https://www.vcita.com/v/30e0bba12b5996b9/online_scheduling?o=TWVldGluZ3MgV2l6YXJk#/schedule


Director of ALT Agency with a passion for all things design 
& conversion driven. Love Formula 1, Business and Property Investing.

Our goal? To help brands grow and prosper.

Now we’d like to hear yours:

Do you have a big idea that you want to bring to the market quickly via a beautiful and user-friendly website? Whether you have the details of a project ready to go or need help finishing an existing project or even starting one from scratch, our team will help you achieve the results you need to make your business profitable.

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