With the current Coronavirus situation affecting many businesses, staff being laid off and businesses worried about where they will be in 6 months, Tom Tracy in the below video details some digital marketing tactics that have helped him double the website traffic across the SNG websites.
This isn’t just another online community that isn’t relative to everyday business.
SNG run offline face to face events – which under UK lockdown rules is no longer possible.
They also provide magazines to higher education apprentices all of who can not attend college or university for the time being due to the lockdown.
What’s really interesting in this video is not only has the main bulk of the business been completely threw into the air, but SNG have reacted to the Coronavirus crisis quickly, pivoted and managed to grow during this time.
Whether you try Social Media content distribution or not, this video is a must watch to understand how the video content offered by SNG has gone viral with the help of Facebook and Instagram communities and influencers – Digital marketing at its finest!
Below is a list of tools mentioned in this video to help you edit your video content as recommend by Tom:
Splice – https://apps.apple.com/us/app/splice-video-editor-maker/id409838725
Unfold – https://apps.apple.com/us/app/unfold-story-templates/id1247275033
Inshot – https://apps.apple.com/us/app/inshot-video-editor/id997362197
Adobe Premier – https://apps.apple.com/us/app/adobe-premiere-rush-for-video/id1188753863