Why do I need a website?
Looking back the years, customers would pull out a phone book and start searching for a company or a nearby store that sold the product or service they had been looking for. Definitely a time consuming process, and many times frustrating too, as people would not find what they had been searching for. Nowadays, all this has dramatically changed and customers are given the opportunity to find a complete list of businesses that fit their particular needs, plus links to websites for further product descriptions, pictures, price lists and many more. And all that within an eye’s blink, at the comfort of their own home. It comes naturally that the world has evolved and technological advancements, like the internet, have been created to serve people’s needs.
If you don’t own a business or don’t have a product and/or service to sell, there is a good reason to have a website. Creative minds want to share things with others that think alike. So, no matter what you fancy more, there sure is something you want the world to know of, something you feel you need to discus with a worldwide community, a reason to talk people into a charity, etc…
If you are a business owner and wondering, “Why do I need a website?” I suggest wondering this: Can you offer services around the clock? I guess, no. A website can. Anyway, you can’t ignore the fact that people –your target market- expect you to have a website to look for your product online.
If you are still not convinced, the following notes might be far more interesting:
Why do I need a website developed? For Companies, Shop Owners and Retailers:
- The internet allows you to reach a much wider clientele and sell your products and/or services. After all, people would want to find information on their searches that relate to the product(s) and /or services you offer, so why not get information from your website?
- I am sure you know your competitor(s) have a website, so you need to keep up with competition.
- The website is your new retail outlet, where you not only show your products to your customers and people interested in your product(s) and/or services, but also skip the salaries of staff working on an actual retail outlet out there. Plus, you don’t need to spend a cent on establishments.
- There is an increasing number of people buying online, so having a website to buy products and/or services from is essential.
- With a website, you break any geographical boundary, which means you have increased potentials for additional sales and income increase.
- If you have worked hard to set up a functional and appealing website, it is highly unlikely your visitors will turn elsewhere (see: your competitor’s site); and engaging visitors means higher conversion rates; thus more sales and profits.
- Branding is another reason you need a website. You can use your website to promote your product and/or service, or else, your brand.
- Have you ever thought of the money you spend when you want to rebrand or update a product in any way? Instead of wasting money on new product catalogues and brochures, you can simply update your product/service online at minimal costs and in limited time.
- There is a saying that goes: a bee attracts a bee. Your website can become an effective platform for a word of mouth promotion of your products and capitalize from that with your existing clientele.
We hope this blog answers the age old question “Why do I need a website?” Feel free to contact us for more information.